Sunday, July 30, 2006

today go airport was a day that wasn't planned to be like that. first, we were late to go to the airport. i only get to say bye to them like for 1 min. oh man but i cried. i miss them so much. especially lorraine and sally. they are like the closest to me :D hahah i really miss them so much. me, alcinda and michelle is planning to go to hongkong ourselves when the fairfield people are going there. then we will get to visit them. we seriously miss them. i hope this "plan" will succeed.

amanda today totally pissed me off. she also pissed alcinda and michelle off. when we were at the airport, she didnt even care. its like she didnt even talk to us. then mr.ho ask amanda to ask us whether we want go along with them. that was like the only time she talked to us. and then we said no cause the people there are like...? gah! so when we said bye, everybody said bye except for amanda. she just wave and said "byebye" didnt even look at us. and me and alcinda was freaking pissed with her. we decided to pangseh her for good. really after school dun hang around good. i guess this is the only way. i dun think she cares anyway?! ugh!

went to weizheng's house. watch jie da huan xi. and went home at 630. my heels were totally killing me! i think i sprained my ankle or something when i ran at the airport. its been hurting ever since. i even walked bare footed to weizheng's house. lols stupid right. but the heels was comfortable. my right foot, NO PAIN AT ALL. left food, aching like shit. i duno whats wrong. seriously, i think i sprained it. gah! screwed


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